Emotional issues

Emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, stress and panic disorders are common presentations for medical attention in today’s society. It is normal to experience these feelings from time to time as part of our everyday life. However, when they become a prolonged state of emotion or in frequent occurrence they can have a severe impact on our daily functioning. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these are generally categorized into Shen Zhi Bing, which means Spirit or Mental disorders.

Western medical treatment for mental disorders usually involves the prescription of an antidepressant or anxiolytic in attempt to manage the symptoms. However, these medications often come with unwanted side effects such as agitation, dizziness, headaches and gastrointestinal upset. For those who prefer a drug free or natural approach, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have become an increasingly popular option.

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine view emotional problems?

In the holistic paradigm of TCM, emotional problems are seen as manifestations of internal imbalance. This is caused by the dysfunction of the different organs  (Zang Fu) and various pathogenic factors. One of the most common patterns of disharmony is the stagnation of the Liver Qi. This means that the liver energy does not move freely, it gets stuck.

From Chinese medicine perspective, the Liver has many important functions which include storing Blood, ensuring the smooth movement of energy (Qi) throughout the body and regulating emotions. When we are affected by strong emotions or in a lot of distress, the Liver Qi can become stagnant and vice versa. When the Qi circulation in the body does not flow smoothly, say from lack of exercise or Liver disharmony, we are prone to get bodily pain and feel easily stressed. Other common presentations of Liver Qi stagnation are frequent sighing, waking up between 1-3am, premenstrual tension, digestive issues and alternate bowel habits.

Other TCM patterns which may cause emotional problems are Heart and Spleen deficiency and Internal Phlegm or Dampness. The former often presents with palpitations, fatigue, constant worrying and pale complexion; where the later pattern is often accompanied by symptoms of chest oppression, fogginess in the head, sluggish body and soft sticky stools